Be You Now
Energetic Practises

Be ❤️

The Truth Of You

This Energetic Practise Connects you to The Truth Of You which resides in your Soul. The Truth Of You holds the blueprint of your True Self, so it Connects you to who you Truly are.

Connecting to The Truth Of You Triggers POWERFUL SELF LOVE and HOPE within at an unconscious level. 

Your True Cellular Form is held in The Truth Of You so this Connection Reminds your cells of this and Helps them Align to it, thereby Encouraging them towards True Cellular Form and Health for you.

Akashics with

Real Experience

This Energetic Practise Enables you to Experience Positive responses to previous negative Triggers by Connecting you to Real Experience Energy of your own, your Higher Self’s or others via the Akashics Library.

‘Real Experience’ is actual ‘Lived Experience’ that has been Experienced by a Soul.  These Experiences are stored in the Akashics Library and can be Accessed Energetically.

A negative response regularly Triggers in you whenever you think about or have to face certain situations, people or circumstances. This on-going fear impacts your Life, and your current negative response to this Trigger prevents you from Living the Life you want.

This practise will Connect you to the Feeling you want to Experience when you are faced with this Trigger in Future.


I had an Akashics with Real Experience energy with Cat recently. I wanted to create the feeling of success and abundance in my work and she helped me clarify what that meant – for me they were 2 separate feelings. We connected to Faith and created Powerful Love.  I felt strong emotions and the presence of my Mum willing me on at that point and I left with a strong sense of faith in myself, that I have what I need to succeed when doing what I love. She helped me to believe in myself so I could draw upon that when needed. Thanks again Cat!

Gwenne Dickson