
I’m a retired Maternity Support Worker, but since the age of 16yrs, have held various public service roles within councils, the NHS, the Charity Sector, and have worked in Community Safety, Museums and Events, in offices, venues, hospital wards and also within the community, helping people in all aspects of their lives through harrowing times and joyful events.  I have travelled and seen many things.  My Life, like yours, is an on-going tapestry of experiences with blank canvases ahead that I have yet to fill and am excited to discover.


Book a 15 minute Free Consultation with me to chat about the Best Way forward for you →

Work With Me

Group Sessions²

Group Sessions²

There’s More To Life!

This is a group for women 40+ who want to make Positive Changes to their Lives by Connecting to The Truth Of You, to Powerful Self Love, Hope, Nature and to Oneness with All That Is,


Life Is For Living.

1:1 Sessions

1:1 Sessions

Energetic Healing

Book a 1:1 Healing Session
with me for any of my current
Energetic Practises.

Sessions last up to 30 minutes or
an hour and take place on line.

Note: some follow up sessions may be required and these would be at
an additional cost per session.

Nature Sessions²

Nature Sessions²

Connect To Nature

I will be running on line seasonal Nature Sessions Using my Energetic Practises to Help Nature and to Unite people with Nature, to Create:

  • Balance and Healing within
    Mind, Body and Soul.
  • Unity with All That Is.
  • Deepened Understanding
    and Love of Nature in
    all who take part.

2 Coming Soon

My Vision Is To:

  • Create Positive Change in the world.
  • Connect clients to The Truth Of You, to Powerful Self Love, to Hope
    and to Nature, to Create Unity with All That Is.
  • Empower Women 40+ to Be who they Truly are and to Do what they
    came into Physical to Do, because Life Is For Living.


  • Certified Vibrationally HEALED Healer.
  • General Education – I am educated to Degree level.

Cancellation Policy

I wish to notify clients that I do not offer refunds but am happy to rearrange pre-booked healing session times and dates if necessary if cancellation is unavoidable and unforeseen.